Travel Vaccines and Advice for The Central and Southern Africa

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The Central and Southern Africa

Ready to immerse yourself in the enchanting landscapes of the Central and Southern Africa? These regions paint a vibrant tapestry of wildlife, diverse cultures, and awe-inspiring scenery. Yet, before you set off on your exploration, let’s discuss the key to a safe journey – your health. In this guide, we’ll unravel the importance of travel vaccines and provide valuable advice to ensure your adventure in Central and Southern Africa is not only unforgettable but also health-conscious. Join us as we embark on this journey, where every step is guided by the harmony of discovery and well-being!


The NHS strongly advise specific vaccinations for individuals traveling to the Central and Southern Africa. These include hepatitis A, hepatitis B, typhoid, cholera, yellow fever, meningitis, and polio, and rabies.

Additionally, routine vaccinations are also recommended, including measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR), tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (Tdap), influenza, chickenpox, and pneumonia.

For certain itineraries, proof of yellow fever vaccination may be necessary.

Refer to the tables below for detailed information on recommended travel vaccinations for the Central and Southern Africa:

Hepatitis A Contaminated Food or Water Recommended for all travellers to most regions.
Hepatitis B Contaminated Body Fluids (Sex, needles, etc.) Recommended for all travellers to most regions.
Typhoid Contaminated Food or Water Recommended for all travellers to most regions.
Cholera Contaminated Food or Water May be recommended based on your specific itinerary.
Yellow Fever Mosquito-borne May be recommended based on your specific itinerary.
Rabies Infected Animals Vaccine recommended for long-stay travellers and those who may come in contact with animals.
Polio Infected Animals Generally a routine vaccination. Recommended for some countries in the region.
Meningitis Airborne or Direct Contact Normally, a routine vaccination. Active transmission in some parts of the region.
Dengue Fever Mosquito-borne A new dengue fever vaccine called Qdenga® has been licensed in the UK

For more information on the vaccination required to your destination, please click here.

Additional Health Concerns

In the Central and Southern Africa, there are other health concerns exist that cannot be prevented through vaccinations.

Malaria is prevalent in the region, and depending on your specific travel plans, antimalarial medication may be advised. It’s essential to note that antimalarial resistance exists in certain areas, potentially limiting your medication options. Consult a travel health specialist at our Pharmacy in St Katherine Dock & Wapping for personalised guidance.

In the past decade, certain countries in the area have experienced Ebola outbreaks. Although such occurrences are infrequent, they remain a potential risk. If you become aware of an outbreak in a region you plan to visit, make sure to reach out to one of our specialist at City Dock Pharmacy at St Katherine Dock & Wapping for guidance.

Travellers’ diarrhoea is a common risk, often associated with trying new and exciting cuisines. While culinary exploration is part of the adventure, it’s crucial to ensure safe food preparation. Carrying a travellers’ diarrhoea kit can be beneficial in preventing illness and managing symptoms if they arise.

Consultation With Our Pharmacist

We want to make sure you’re ready for your trip. Our pharmacists can help you with:

Customised Vaccination Plans

Tell us your travel plans, and we’ll suggest the right vaccinations and work with you to make a vaccination plan  for your trip.

Health and Safety Tips

Our experience pharmacist can provide you with advices on staying healthy during your trip, including tips on food safety and general well-being.

Medication and Health Supplies

Find out the medicines and supplies you should bring, and you can buy it at our pharmacy, making it your one-stop-shop for all your travel health needs.

Visit our travel clinic at St Katherine Dock & Wapping to have your free consultation today.

Book Now or call us at 020 7150 9934